Great Scott Gadgets
Second LUNA Enclosure Update
Note: This is a crosspost of a Cynthion update on Crowd Supply:
Enclosure Update
We have an update on the enclosures! We have received 10 enclosures from our manufacturer and we are impressed.

A LUNA in a case measures 2 inches by 2.5 inches and weighs 103 g with the hardware and lightpipes installed. I’ve been carrying mine around constantly like a pet rock since it has such a comfortable weight. The case has held up really well, regardless of the wine, pesto, sesame oil, and other sauces I’ve gotten on it while cooking. The USB-C ports have a satisfying amount of hold which means that any cables won’t get knocked out easily.
Enclosure Modifications (?)
The members of the Great Scott Gadgets Discord did get a preview of the LUNA enclosure a couple weeks ago and have already given us some feedback, which we greatly appreciate. If you have any opinions on the suggestions made, or have suggestions of your own, we’d love to hear them. We make our devices for you all and this is your chance to bring up any enclosure design or usability concerns before we start production.
One enclosure design choice that is currently being debated is whether we should populate the Pmod connectors on LUNA, shown on the left edge of the enclosure in the picture below.

In the case, the Pmod connectors don’t change the form factor, but on the bareboard LUNA the Pmod connectors would extend 5 mm above the board (which is not as high as the USB Type-A connector), but they would each add 8 mm of length to the board.

Please let us know whether you would like to see LUNA come with Pmod headers pre-installed on both LUNA in a case and bareboard LUNA, one or the other, or neither by voting with emoji on the relevant question posted in the feedback channel in our Discord server.
Case Contest Winner
To wrap up this post on the LUNA case design, we are happy to congratulate Rémy on winning the case contest with their design. Rémy will receive the only LUNA case with his winning design etched in the case: