Cynthion Shipping Soon! - Great Scott Gadgets

Great Scott Gadgets

Cynthion Shipping Soon!

Note: This is a crosspost of a Cynthion update on Crowd Supply:

The first few Cynthions have come off of the manufacturing line! Once the first full batch of Cynthions is completed we will send them to Mouser who will ship them to you, our backers. Shipping will happen soon, so please make sure your address on Crowd Supply is up-to-date. If you need assistance with an address change please contact Crowd Supply. We will post another update once the first orders leave the Mouser warehouse. Until then, please enjoy these photos from our contract manufacturer.

Batch of Cynthions before last USB component was soldered on.

Enclosed Cynthion ready to ship

Batch of enclosed Cynthions ready to ship