Software Defined Radio with HackRF, Lesson 6 - Great Scott Gadgets

Great Scott Gadgets

Software Defined Radio with HackRF, Lesson 6

Complex Numbers

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In this Lesson

  • negative numbers
  • complex numbers
  • the complex plane
  • complex arithmetic
  • complex exponentials
  • tau
  • rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates
  • complex number terminology
  • quadrature terminology


  1. A weather station measures wind direction once per minute. Write a program to indicate the average direction over a five minute period. Try it on the following sets of readings:

    • 12°, 15°, 13°, 9°, 16°
    • 358°, 1°, 359°, 355°, 2°
    • 210°, 290°, 10°, 90°, 170°
  2. Modify your program to handle wind speed input in addition to direction.


Software Defined Radio with HackRF is copyright 2014, 2015 by Michael Ossmann and is released under the CC BY license.