Great Scott Gadgets
Software Defined Radio with HackRF
This ongoing video series will be a complete course in Software Defined Radio (SDR). In this course, you’ll build flexible SDR applications using GNU Radio through exercises that will help you learn the fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) needed to master SDR. For the over-the-air exercises, you’ll need a HackRF One or other SDR peripheral.
- welcome to the video series
- introduction to SDR
- introduction to HackRF
- course background
- introduction to GNU Radio Companion
- “hello world”, receiving FM radio
- lesson 1 homework review
- introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- a simple flowgraph
- understanding decibels
- mistakes commonly made with decibels
- how to master decibels
- lesson 2 homework review
- sample rates
- throttle block
- the Atari effect
- negative frequencies
- data types
- quantization error
- packaging and enclosure
- USB port
- LEDs
- buttons
- ANTENNA port
- CLKIN and CLKOUT ports
- libhackrf
- hackrf-tools
- testing USB transfer rates
- updating firmware and CPLD
- RF amplifier
- negative numbers
- complex numbers
- the complex plane
- complex arithmetic
- complex exponentials
- tau
- rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates
- complex number terminology
- quadrature terminology
- lesson 6 homework review
- why we use complex numbers in DSP
- amplitude modulation
- frequency modulation
- analyzing a garage door opener remote
- On-Off Keying (OOK)
- rolling codes
- fixed codes
- lesson 8 homework review
- FSK demodulation
- negative frequencies
- aliasing
- lesson 4 homework review
- mysteries solved
- cosine as sum of two complex exponentials
- sampling theorem<
- anti-aliasing filters
- bandpass sampling
- lesson 9 homework review
- filter frequency response
- Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters
- multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations
- convolution
- FIR filter performance
- HackRF One baseband filter effectiveness
- low pass filters
- high pass filters
- band pass filters
- being a good neighbor on the spectrum
- QT vs. WX GUI in GNU Radio
- saving a waveform to file
- inspectrum
- transmitting
- replaying a captured radio signal
- using multiple HackRF Ones
This series is an adaptation of Michael Ossmann’s two day SDR class. Check out our upcoming events for opportunities to take the class in person.
Software Defined Radio with HackRF is copyright 2014, 2015 by Michael Ossmann and is released under the CC BY license.
Thank You
We thank the Internet Archive for video hosting. Donations to the Internet Archive are greatly appreciated.