Great Scott Gadgets
Free Stuff from Great Scott Gadgets
Great Scott Gadgets is committed to supporting the open source community. One way we give back to the community is by giving away Free Stuff! For example, we have donated hundreds of Throwing Star LAN Tap Kits so that kids can learn to solder while learning about network security. We’ve also donated HackRF Ones, YARD Stick Ones, and prototype hardware to hackerspaces, research programs, and independent developers. You can read more about our previous Free Stuff recipients on our Free Stuff blog.
If you or your community organization would like Free Stuff from Great Scott Gadgets, please fill out our Free Stuff application to the best of your ability. Our team judges applications based on community impact and clarity of project description so please be detailed. Please know that this program is focused on supporting communities and requires your project be open source. We send hardware out to people looking to spread education, support community projects, or contribute to open source projects or research. We are not interested in sending hardware out to companies or to individuals for strictly personal use.
We send out Free Stuff to one person or group per month. Recipients are notified by email when they are chosen. We choose our monthly Free Stuff recipient(s) out of all applications received in the last twelve months. If you would like to update your application or have any questions, please email We look forward to your application!